Ted Nissen M.A. M.T.

500 Redondo Ave. # 107

Long Beach, Calif. 90814 -5145

United States of America


E-Mail; apcares4u@gmail.com

Resume; Resume

Printable Resume; Resume Print

Documentation; Certificates

Printable Documentation; Certificates Print

Phone; (562) 209-5064







v     Hyperlinks. 1




v Hyperlinks

Ř    Above are hyperlinks to web viewable and printable versions of the resume and certificates page. The printable version is formatted for your computer’s printer. Go to the file menu on your Internet software for printing these pages.

Ř    Use the Hyperlink below to explore Ted Nissen’s unique Theoretical/Philosophical/Research perspective to massage casework. On those pages, you will find wealth of research studies, case studies, and massage research Ted has conducted.

§  Clinical Massage a New Approach
