Newsletter 1

Ted Nissen Copyright © April 2004


Table of Contents

1       Everybody. 1

2       Problems Viewing This Page. 1

3       Web Site Survival 1

4       Pretty Picture. 1

5       Print this Poster (Post it at your institution for students to see) 1

6       Print this Picture (Show it to others) 1

7       Examples of Web Pages. 1

8       Quick Web Site Tours. 2

9       Goals of this Web Site. 2

10         Hire Newly Graduated Massage Therapists and Assistants. 2

11         Theoretical Model-Why Do We Hurt?. 2

12         Computer, Design and other Technical Schools. 2

13         Associated Professionals (Chiropractic Colleges, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Nurses, Acupuncturists M.D.s and Others) 2

14         Massage Schools and Massage Professionals. 2

15         Unsubscribe. 3




Dear Colleagues, Clients, Students, Family, and Friends;                                                              4/18/2004


1      Everybody

I know you are all very busy so these newsletters will be on point. I am developing a Non-Profit Web Resource for the Massage Therapy Profession. You can help in this effort by simply going to the site by clicking the above logo or typing into your browser. If you know of someone else who might be interested in this site click this link Tell A Friend. Subsequent Newsletters will be sent to remind you to CLICK and CLOSE. Your work is done. Thank You. If you are a professional you can help further with this site by looking at the sections below. Otherwise, your support is registered every time you CLICK and CLOSE.

2      Problems Viewing This Page

If this E-Mail looks weird, your E-Mail program doesn’t support HTML. You may also have problems assessing the links. You can view this newsletter online with this link. You can copy this link and paste it into your address bar on your browser.

3      Web Site Survival

This Web Site costs money to maintain and countless hours to create over the last two years. No I’m not asking for donations but your effort to just simply CLICK and CLOSE will help the site endure. If you get in the habit of coming to this site on a regular basis in sufficient numbers costs may be offset thru advertising. I will poll you as to the products you are interested in and create a separate advertising page. If you buy products from this site, the money will be used to maintain the site (hardware & software). If this doesn’t work, I’ll ask for donations. If that doesn’t work, I close the site. I’m allowing 3 years for this site to be self-sustaining. To check on your collective progress, use the following link to view site statistics. The site will have to generate significantly more hits than it currently is to attract advertisers. That means the numbers should start going up after this newsletter is posted on 4/18/2004 and with subsequent newsletters.

4      Pretty Picture

Click this link to see a pretty picture. This illustration depicts the muscle origin insertion location of the forearm anterior and posterior. This information is important to massage therapists who want to increase circulation to irritated tendon attachments. Significant pain reduction may result when circulation is restored.

5      Print this Poster (Post it at your institution for students to see)

Post this for students to see

6      Print this Picture (Show it to others)

Show this to your friends.

7      Examples of Web Pages

Facial Expression


Muscle Discussion-Biceps Brachii

8      Quick Web Site Tours

Quick Tour of Web Site

Power Point Presentation of Learn You Muscles

9      Goals of this Web Site

9.1   Prepare massage students and professionals for the National Certification Exam. Example

9.2   Help the Students of Associated Professions with their Anatomy studies Learn Your Muscles

9.3   Extend knowledge and skills to improve daily practice Deep Tissue Routine

9.4   Assists massage researchers in completing their projects. Research Assistants

9.5   Act as a depository for current research on massage therapy and related topics. Research Papers

9.6   Facilitate communication between students and professionals List of Online Chat Participants

9.7   Develop a Theoretical Framework to Encourage Scientific Debate and Objective Inquiry Theoretical Model Why Do We Hurt?    Clinical Massage-New Approach

10      Hire Newly Graduated Massage Therapists and Assistants

You can also help the massage profession by hiring massage therapists to augment your therapeutic treatments. HIRE A MASSAGE THERAPIST

You can hire a medical assistant with this link. HIRE A MEDICAL ASSISTANT

11      Theoretical Model-Why Do We Hurt?

Why Do We Hurt?

12      Computer, Design and other Technical Schools

You have students who need experience and I have boatload of experiences that need students. If it sounds like a match, have your students sign up online at Web Site Help

13      Associated Professionals (Chiropractic Colleges, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Nurses, Acupuncturists M.D.s and Others)

The Massage profession is in its adolescence with all the blemishes and awkwardness. There is a National Trend toward state licensing (35 States so far) but California has yet to pass licensing laws. We are still governed by Punitive Municipal Laws (Mug shot, VD Test, finger prints and other humiliations), which seek to rid the cities of prostitutes. Help us move from adolescence to adulthood by acting as a consultant to this Web site. Information on volunteer staffing needs Information This is the consultant form link. Medical Consultant Form If you are a school administrator, teacher ECT uses this form. School Consultant Form If you know of someone else who might be interested in this site use this link to inform him or her.  Tell A Friend This does not have to be a huge time commitment on your part because every little bit helps even if you just CLICK and CLOSE.

14      Massage Schools and Massage Professionals

If National Trends continue and the Developmental History of other Professions is predictive, we are moving from a Vocational Education Model (with its greater dependence on Local Business needs) to a Professional Model (with its adherence to National Standards which align with other Professions)(Caveats include multitiered educational model similar to Physical Therapy and Nursing). Popular support for insurance coverage among massage clients who experience sustained curative relief is a likely trigger for these changes. A few insurance companies (Blue Shield) pay claims to sole provider massage therapists. The Chiropractic and Nursing professions speak to that trend by example. Competitive advantage is a likely benefit to those institutions and individuals who adapt to this trend. Please help me build this site for our emerging profession. Further site development will be impossible without group effort. This is very much like a barn raising, which requires combined sweat and muscle. This is non-profit consequently, I can’t pay you. Information on volunteer staffing needs. Information To sign up as a volunteer helper click here. Web Site Help If you are a school owner, administrator, or teacher ECT use this form. School Consultant Form.  If you know of someone else who might be interested in this site, use this link to inform him or her.  Tell A Friend This does not have to be a huge time commitment on your part because every little bit helps even if you just CLICK and CLOSE.



15      Unsubscribe

Click This Link to unsubscribe to this newsletter. Newsletter Unsubscribe



Thanks again for your support, Ted Nissen M.A. M.T.



Web Site:

Resume: Ted Nissen Resume

Phone: (562) 439-3803

Tell a Friend about this opportunity and I will send them this E-Mail: Tell A Friend