Ultra-weak Photon (Biophoton ) Emissions (UPE)-Review of Literature-Bibliography

By Ted Nissen M.A. M.T.

Copyright © September 2006 Ted Nissen



1.      Cohen S, Popp Fa. (2003). Biophoton emission of human body. Indian J Exp Biol, 41-5, pp. 440 - 445. %

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5.       Illablanca M, Indig G, Slawinska D, Slawinski J. (1989). Studies on chemiluminescence in the enzymatic and autoxidative transformation of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine into eumelanins. J Biolumin Chemilumin, 3-4, pp. 181 - 190. %

6.      Kobayashi M, Takeda M, Sato T, Yamazaki Y, Kaneko K, Ito K, Kato H, Inaba H. (1999). In vivo imaging of spontaneous ultraweak photon emission from a rat's brain correlated with cerebral energy metabolism and oxidative stress. Neurosci Res, 34-2, pp. 103 - 113. * +

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9.      Niggli H. J. (Jun 1992). Ultraweak photons emitted by cells: biophotons. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol, 14 1-2, pp. 144 - 146.

10. Popp Fa. (2003). Properties of biophotons and their theoretical implications. Indian J Exp Biol, 41-5, pp. 391 - 402. %* +

11.   Popp Fa, Li Kh, Mei Wp, Galle M, Neurohr R. (1988). Physical aspects of biophotons. Experientia, 15-44, pp. 576 - 585. %* +

12. Popp Fa, Nagl W, Li Kh, Scholz W, Weingartner O, Wolf R. (1988). Biophoton emission. new evidence for coherence and dna as source. Cell Biophys, 6-1, pp. 33 - 52. %* +

13. Schwabl H, Klima H. (2005). Spontaneous ultraweak photon emission from biological systems and the endogenous light field. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd, 12-2, pp. 84 - 89. %*

14. Slawinska D, Slawinski J. (1991). The role of aminochromes in ultraweak luminescence accompanying oxidative metabolism of catecholamines in model systems in vitro. Physiol Chem Phys Med Nmr, 23-4, pp. 247 - 260.

15. Slawinska D., Slawinski  J. (1983). Biological chemiluminescence. Photochem. Photobiol, 37, pp. 709 - 715.

16. Slawinski J. (2005). Photon emission from perturbed and dying organisms: biomedical perspectives. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd, 12-2, pp. 90 - 95. %*

17. Van Wijk Ep, Ackerman J, Van Wijk R. (2006). Effect of meditation on ultraweak photon emission from hands and forehead. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd, 12-2, pp. 107 - 112. %* +

18. Van Wijk Ep, Koch H, Bosman S, Van Wijk R. (2006). Anatomic characterization of human ultra-weak photon emission in practitioners of transcendental meditation(tm) and control subjects. J Altern Complement Med, 12-1, pp. 31 - 38. %* +

19. Wijk Ep, Wijk Rv. (2005). Multi-site recording and spectral analysis of spontaneous photon emission from human body. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd, 12-2, pp. 96 - 106. %* +

20. Wijk Rv, Wijk Ep. (2005). An introduction to human biophoton emission. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd, 12-2, pp. 77 - 83. %* +

21. Van Wijk R, Kobayashi M, Van Wijk Ep. (Apr 2006). Anatomic characterization of human ultra-weak photon emission with a moveable photomultiplier and CCD imaging. J Photochem Photobiol B, 83 (1), pp. 69 - 76. %* +

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23. Ruth B. (1977). Experimenteller nachweis ultrschwacher photonenemission aus biologischen systemen. Dissertation, , pp.  - .

24. Popp Fa, Chang Jj, Herzog A, Yan Z, Yan Y. (2002). Evidence of non-classical (squeezed) light in biological systems. In Physics Letters A, 293 (1-2), pp. 98 - 102. =

25. Popp Fa, Yan Y. (2002). Delayed luminescence of biological systems in terms of coherent states . In Physics Letters A, 293 (1-2), pp. 93 - 97. =

26. Popp Fa, Ruth B, Bahr W, Bohm J, Grass P, Grolig G, Rattemeyer M, Schmidt Hg, & Wulle P. (1981). Emission of visible and ultraviolet radiation by active biological systems. Collective Phenomena, 3, pp. 187 - .

27. Popp Fa, Gu Q (eds.). (1994). Biophoton emission: experimental background and theoretical approaches. Modern Physics Letters B, 8, pp. 1269 - .

28. Popp Fa, Li K Ii & Gu Q (eds.). (1992). Recent advances in biophotons research and its applications. Singapore: World Scientific.

29. Rattemeyer M, Popp Fa, & Nagl W. (1981). Evidence of photon emission from dna in living systems. Naturwissenschaften, 11, pp. 572 - .

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31. Popp Fa & Li K Ii. (1993). Hyperbolic relaxation as a sufficient condition of a fully coherent ergodic field. Int J Theor Phys, 32, pp. 1573 - .

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34. Galle M, Neurohr R, Altmann G, Popp Fa & Nagl W. (1991). Biophoton emission from daphnia magna: a possible factor in the self-regulation of swarming. Experientia, 47, pp. 457 - .

35. Popp Fa & Chang Jj. (2000). Mechanism of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living organisms. Science In China (c), 43, pp. 507 - .

36. Schamhart Dhj & Van Wifk R, (ed) Jezowska-trzebiatowska B, Kochel B & Slawinski J. (1987). Photon emission and the degree of differentiation, in photon emission from biological systems. Singapore: World Scientific.

37. Scholz W, Staszkiewiez U, Popp Fa & Nagl W. (1988). Light stimulated ultraweak photon reemission of human amnion cells and wish cells. Cell Biophys, 13, pp. 55 - .

38. Popp Fa, Chang Jj, Gu Q, & Ho Mw (ed) Ho Mw, Popp Fa & Warnke U. (1994). Nonsubstantial biocommunication in terms of dicke's theory, in bioelectrodynamics and biocommunication. Singapore: World Scientific.

39. Vogel R & Submuth R. (1998). A model for the generation of low level chemiluminescence from microbiological growth media and its depletion by bacterial cells. Bioelectrochem Bioenerget, 45, pp. 93 - .

40. Bajpai Rp. (1999). Coherent nature of the radiation emitted in delayed luminescence of leaves. J Theor Biol, 198, pp. 287 - .

41. Popp Fa, Chang Jj, Herzog A, Yan Z & Yan Y. (2002). Evidence of non-classical (squeezed) light in biological systems. Physics Lett A, 293, pp. 98 - .

42. Popp Fa, Ruth B, Bahr W, Bohm J, Grass P, Grolig G, Rattenmeyer M, Schmidt Hg & Wulle P. (1981). Emission of visible and ultraviloet radiation by active biological systems. Collective Phenomena, 3, pp. 187 - .

43. Popp Fa, Popp Fa, Becker G, Konig Hl And Peschka W (ed). (1979). Coherent photon storage of biological systems,  in electromagnetic bio-information. Munchen: Urban & Schwarzenberg.

44. Nagl W & Popp Fa. (1983). A physical (electromagnetic) model of differentiation. Cytobios, 37, pp. 45 - 71.


% Reviewed Article

* Requested article from author

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Articles Needed for literature Review-Have 10, Need 5=15

1.       Schwabl H, Klima H. (2005). Spontaneous ultraweak photon emission from biological systems and the endogenous light field. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd, 12-2, pp. 84 - 89.

2.       Slawinski J. (2005). Photon emission from perturbed and dying organisms: biomedical perspectives. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd, 12-2, pp. 90 - 95.

3.       Slawinska D, Slawinski J. (1991). The role of aminochromes in ultraweak luminescence accompanying oxidative metabolism of catecholamines in model systems in vitro. Physiol Chem Phys Med Nmr, 23-4, pp. 247 - 260.

4.       Illablanca M, Indig G, Slawinska D, Slawinski J. (1989). Studies on chemiluminescence in the enzymatic and autoxidative transformation of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine into eumelanins. J Biolumin Chemilumin, 3-4, pp. 181 - 190.

5.       Cohen S, Popp Fa. (2003). Biophoton emission of human body. Indian J Exp Biol, 41-5, pp. 440 - 445.






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